Reverse Mortgages - Get The Money You Need - Part 2 Of 4

Reverse Mortgages - Get The Money You Need - Part 2 Of 4

Reverse Mortgages - Get The Money You Need - Part 2 Of 4Hunter Lending Team
Published on: 22/08/2024

To recap part 1, Reverse Mortgages are loans that allow you to borrow back the equity in your home. If you are 62 years of age or older, they are a way to borrow against the equity in your home to provide you with tax-free income. Probably a good idea if you're a senior who needs cash for medical care, to maintain your standard of living, or for other reasons. So, what are some of the disadvantages of Reverse Mortgages? - They are even more complicated than conventional..

Mortgage Blogs
Lower Mortgage Payments Can Increase Wealth

Lower Mortgage Payments Can Increase Wealth

Lower Mortgage Payments Can Increase WealthHunter Lending Team
Published on: 02/08/2024

Creating and maintaining wealth is a very difficult task. Ask any millionaire!!! The delicate balance of living a dream lifestyle and holding expenses tight creates this difficulty. As a financial advisor, I have assisted people accumulate monies to live their dream life while discovering ways to reduce their necessary expenses. Everyone would agree mortgages are necessary expenses. Probably the biggest expense most of us have. Mortgages present the opportunity to secure inco...

Mortgage Blogs
Cheap Mortgage Rate

Cheap Mortgage Rate

Cheap Mortgage RateHunter Lending Team
Published on: 30/07/2024

Must-Ask Questions When You Get Your Mortgage Whether you're buying a house or refinancing, there is more to a mortgage than the rate. Here are eight questions to ask while mortgage shopping. You'll have to ask yourself some of these questions; others can only be answered by mortgage professionals and insurers. How long do I plan to stay in the house? That's often a hard question to answer. Try anyway because a lot of your decisions depend on the answer. The answe...

Mortgage Blogs
The Decision to Rent or Buy A Home

The Decision to Rent or Buy A Home

The Decision to Rent or Buy A HomeHunter Lending Team
Published on: 18/07/2024

The pace of life can be so quick that we have a tendency to blow by important decisions. One such decision is the decision to rent or buy a home.

Mortgage Blogs