Foreign Currency Mortgages – What Are They And What Are The Risks?

Foreign Currency Mortgages – What Are They And What Are The Risks?

Foreign Currency Mortgages – What Are They And What Are The Risks?Hunter Lending Team
Published on: 23/08/2024

99.9% of mortgage borrowers raise the money they need to buy their home in pounds sterling and pay the prevailing UK based interest rate. But it does not have to be that way…….. Whilst by its' own historical standards, the UK's domestic interest rates are low, they are still significantly higher than in the Eurozone, America, Switzerland and indeed, Japan. Therefore, you can currently borrow the money you need in Euros, $ dollars, Swiss Francs or Yen, secure the debt agai...

Mortgage Blogs
Foreign Currency Mortgages – The Pros And Cons

Foreign Currency Mortgages – The Pros And Cons

Foreign Currency Mortgages – The Pros And ConsHunter Lending Team
Published on: 19/07/2024

Virtually all mortgage borrowers go with a mainstream UK lender to make the biggest purchase of their lives, it’s the done thing and to be honest most people don’t realise there is a viable alternative – the foreign currency mortgage. Interest rates are reasonably healthy in the UK at the moment, particularly in comparison with the 1980s, however interest rates are a lot higher here than they are in the Eurozone, Switzerland, America and Japan. Did you know that you ca...

Mortgage Blogs